Chances are you have broken many of the New Year’s resolutions you have made over the years. Perhaps you have broken all of them. Well, then this is the year that you find great success in keeping your resolutions.
If we were to guess, most of your resolutions have to do with leading a healthier life. You probably resolve to eat better, get more exercise, and shed a few pounds. Typical resolutions many people aim for. Some of you resolve to stay focused at work, save more money or fix everything that is broken in your home, like that leaky faucet in the bathroom.
These are all admirable resolutions and you should be proud of yourself for setting the bar so high. You only wish there was more you could do to see your resolutions through. Well, there is. Arctic Coolers, your water cooler service in New Jersey, offers tips that will help you keep your New Year’s resolutions.
Make Your Goals Public
Share your goals with friends and family, you can even post them on social media. If anything, this move will hold you accountable. You might be thinking about breaking a resolution or six, but then realize if you do you will have to fess up to everybody. That makes it more difficult to break your resolutions.
Be Realistic
Your goals will be much easier to achieve if they are realistic. For example, losing 25 pounds is a reasonable goal, but not if you plan on doing it in a month. You will have much more success aiming to lose three or four pounds a month until you reach a total weight loss of 25 pounds.
Plan Ahead
For those who made a random resolution on New Year’s Eve at 11:45, you are likely to fail. Waiting for the last minute to proclaim your resolutions doesn’t give you enough time to plan. For example, if you wish to start eating healthy, your best success will be to plan for it. So by the beginning of the new year, you should purge all of the junk food from your home. You wake up New year’s day to kale and whole-grain muffins and the Ding Dongs and Snickers are nowhere to be seen.
Don’t Beat Yourself Up
Obsessing over every little slip=up won’t help your pursuit of progress. Do the best you can every day and reward yourself for the milestones you achieve and resolve to move on after a bit of failure.
Get Support
There will be those times when you are at wit’s end and are hanging on for dear life. This is when you need to lean on a family member or friend to get you through the difficult stretches. Carefully choose the people you want around you when you are trying to achieve your goals.
You are in Charge
Take control of the situation and see the results through to the end. You got this, you have been through much worse to be sure.
Start off the new year with a water cooler that delivers fresh, cold water when you want it. Give Arctic Coolers a call.